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An Update from a Missionary in South Asia

Updated: Sep 1, 2022

You can’t be here. You are Christian. I will call the police!” “Go ahead call the police. Do it immediately.” “I will go!” “Then why the delay?” This was an exchange between my translator and a someone in the village. I was thankful for how my translator, who had been previously frightened by the others in the same village, had responded. I had been praying that God would give them the courage and desire to come weekly, but honestly, I was shocked at their bravery. I was also really encouraged a couple weeks ago when I texted, thanking them for their translation work with me. My translator replied “I’m glad I get the chance to teach the Bible.”

I am encouraged by my little progress in the language. I am catching more, and am able to speak some conversation, and can communicate even difficult things for me such as when I needed to get my scooter brakes replaced.

I really appreciate your prayers. I’m constantly reminded not only by my friends from different areas of Asia but also from the people here themselves that this area is not an easy one to work in. It’s definitely not as easy here as it was in the previous area I served, but your prayers carry me through the difficult times. Please continue to pray for those who hear the Word that God will grow the seeds that are planted. Pray for my language learning, and as always, pray for South Asia.



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