If I had a son or daughter in their late teens or twenties, I’d urge them to walk away for a while from the comforts of the entertainment-laden West in search of something like the following:
A safe environment around godly hosts that love to disciple
An unsafe environment around early wake ups, a foreign language, hard work, lots of laughter, a poor society and robust conversation
A female mentor that scoffs at feminism by loving the apron, the piano, the slate and the stethoscope at home
A male mentor that scoffs at effeminism by leading confidently in the word, work, and wisdom.
We, along with our beloved teammates the Meyers, and our flock of children, have been ministering to the Tsongas in rural South Africa for over 30 years combined, where we are seeking to do Great Commission work.

Three Benefits of the Internship Program (TIPS)
1. Service: TIPS provides an outlet to a number of ministries:: (1) Evangelizing in an poor setting, (2) Teaching in a Christian School focused on early childhood education, (3) Tutoring in a large homeschooling family, (4) Capturing video/audio in rural mission work, (5) Observing details of local church oversight.
2. Discovery: Today, media and ease of travel allow people to try a host of different options. Do you have what it takes to learn a new language? Or rub shoulders happily in a different culture? Or serve in a place for the long haul far away from home? TIPS allows the church to put their sheep in a setting where these questions can be answered.
3. Discipleship: TIPS is about discipleship. I spend ample time with young men, reading, modeling, praying, debating. Sometimes we save damsels in distress. My sprightly wife passes on her knack for mothering, management, medicine and music. Daily Family Worship is a highlight.
Regardless of your skills, consider joining the Tiyani Internship Program in Limpopo, S. Africa.
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