Afghanistan is a landlocked country at the crossroads of Central and South Asia. Security in Afghanistan is extremely volatile. There are high rates of terrorist attacks. It is one of the poorest countries in the world. The literacy rate is 43%.

There are around 70 people groups in Afghanistan. Of those, 68 (97.1%) are unreached.

The estimate population is 39,637,000, of those, 39,635,000 (around 100%) are unreached.

The largest religion is Islam (99.8%). Only about 0.02% are Evangelical Christian with a 0% growth rate in Christianity.

The annual Evangelical growth rate is 0%. It is in the 10/40 window. It is ranked 1st in the persecution ranking. 99.8% of Afghans are Muslims, (90% Sunni Muslim, 10% Shiite Muslim.) Local and national governments are antagonistic towards Christians. Extremist groups (Taliban and ISIS) are active and persecute many Christians.