Around 130 million Chinese are Christians. Of those, 30 million associate with the Three-Self Patriotic Movement. (This is the only legal church, which is controlled by the communist government.) If you are caught being a Christian or going to church in China you will likely face imprisonment.

In China, there are 545 people groups. Of those, 443 (81.3%) are unreached. The population is around 1,418,475,000. (143,286,000 unreached.)

Major religions are non-religious (44.4%) Ethnic Religions (31.6%) Buddhism (12.7%) and Christianity (9.2%).

Pastors are arrested and persecuted. The government has installed over 170 million facial recognition cameras (many near churches) to identify those attending services.

China is ranked 17th in the persecution ranking. China has some of the most attacked/closed churches in the world. If someone converts to Christianity, it's very common for family members and the community to threaten them. The Chinese Communist Party sees Christianity as a threat. They believe the Catholic Church helped destroy communism in Poland. Making Christianity a serious threat that needs to be suppressed.Please pray for Christians and missionaries in China.