Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country. 5.6% of Malaysian households are living in poverty. Malaysia is a generally safe place to visit. Most churches have freedom as long as they don’t try to evangelize the Malays. The Malaysian government punishes Christian converts severely and strictly opposes outreach among the Malay people. It is illegal for Malay people to own a Bible.

There are approximately 181 people groups in Malaysia. Of those 77 (42.5%) are unreached. There is a population of around 32,671,000, of those, 16,399,000 (50.2%) are unreached.

Islam is the largest religion (56.2%). There are around 9.67% of Christians with 3.52% being Evangelical Christians.

Malaysia has three major ethnicities, Malay (60%), Chinese (30%), and then native tribes. Malays are considered the most powerful group. Being Muslim is very important to their identity. (Most Christians come from Chinese or tribal groups.)