Myanmar (formerly Burma) is a Southeast Asian nation. There are more than 100 ethnic groups in Myanmar. It is one of the poorest countries in Asia. The literacy rate is 76%. It is dangerous in Myanmar due to violence across Myanmar’s states and regions. The Rohingya Muslims are a small group but they are a significant group of people that have suffered horrible human rights violations in recent years from the military government.

ODBM: Pray for Myanmar

The largest religion is Buddhism (78.0%). There are around 8.16% Christians, with 4.87% being Evangelical Christian.

There are around 149 people groups in Myanmar. Of those, 52 (34.9%) are unreached. There is a population of around 54,707,000. Of those, 45,623,000 (83.4%) are unreached.

The revised Judson Bible translation is still the standard used by churches. Few of Myanmar’s ethnic groups have come to faith, however, most Christians are from the Chin and Karen tribes.

Most Burman tribal members are Buddhist, while Chin and Karen people usually identify as Christians and are oppressed by the government. The government and Buddhist monks are the main people who persecute Christians. The annual Evangelical growth rate is 2.5%. It ranks 12th in the Persecution ranking. It is in the 10/40 Window.