Sri Lanka is an island country in South Asia. 11.7% of people earn less than 3.20 (USD). Sri Lanka is a dangerous place to visit right now due to the economic crisis, which has led to shortages of necessities (fuel, food, medicines).

Christians are usually persecuted by Buddhist monks who openly turn the community against them. Hindus also openly oppose evangelism and conversion to Christianity.

The largest religion is Buddhism (70.1%). There is around 7.67% that are Christians.

There are an estimated 161 people groups in Sri Lanka. Of those, 73 (45.3%) are unreached. There is a population of around 21,344,000, of those, 3,145,000 (14.7%) are unreached.

Around 70% of Sri Lankans are Buddhist and 10% are Muslim. Buddhists are the primary persecutors. The annual Evangelical growth rate is 2.3%. It is in the 10/40 window. They are still rebuilding from a civil war (that ended in 2009) between Buddhist and Hindu factions. The government is putting efforts into resettling those who were misplaced during the conflicts between Buddhist Sinhalese and the Hindu Tamil separatists.