Turkey is a transcontinental country located mainly on the Anatolian Peninsula in Western Asia. Around 21.9% of the population lives in poverty. It is fairly safe when it comes to crime, however, the political situation and terrorism risks are something to be aware of.

There are around 68 people groups in Turkey. Around 45 (66.2%) are unreached.

The estimated population is 84,968,000. Of those, 84,213,000 (99.1%) are unreached.

The largest religion is Islam (96.2%). There are about 0.60% Christians and around 0.04 Evangelical Christians.

The annual Evangelical growth rate is 1.2%. It is in the 10/40 Window. It is ranked 42nd in the Persecution ranking. 96% of Turks are Sunni Muslims. They view Islam as a core part of their identity. Family members, neighbors, employers, and government persecute and cause challenges to Christians.