Yemen is a country in Western Asia. Yemen is a dangerous country. There is a high threat of terrorism. (Terrorists have targeted Western interests and Yemeni government buildings.) The literacy rate is 70%. Yemen people have suffered for years from civil wars and violence from Islamic extremists (including al-Qaida.)

There are around 29 people groups in Yemen. Of those, 20 (69%) are unreached. There is an estimated population of 30,342,000, of those, 30,252,000 (99.7%) are unreached.

The largest religion is Islam (99.7%). There is about 0.20% of Christians with 0.02% being Evangelical Christians.

There are many persecutors in Yemen, including the government, Islamic extremist groups, community tribes, and families.

Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Middle East. It is still facing one of the worst humanitarian crises. The annual Evangelical growth rate is 5.1%. It is in the 10/40 window. It ranks 5th in the persecution ranking. The government, Islamic extremist groups, communities, tribes, and families persecute Christians and Christian converts.